Who's watching you bro?

Ever noticed who pays attention to whom at the gym or the things people do when they think nobody's looking?

Music to Pump Up your workout!

Most gyms today have a sound system installed through which they play a wide variety of mostly up-tempo music, and while gym goers may take it for granted, this music serves an important purpose. In a recent visit to a gym we saw first hand, the effects of the music or lack thereof.

Getting fit with SPIN!

Cycle Class at a Gym
Photo Credit: LocalFitness.com

Earlier this year, overPUMPED.com featured spin instructor Max Henry. This week we decided to discuss the benefits of spin and how to get the most out of your workout.

Spin is essentially a cardio workout with many benefits... Let's talk about some of these; 

Interview with Capoeirista: Azulão Manganga

overPUMPED.com Featured Trainer

Today overPUMPED.com features Sekhet Neb Amunwah a Capoeirista from East Trinidad, known in the Capoeira Camará Grupo and the fraternity of Capoeira as Est Azulão Manganga.

Capoeira has been featured in many action movies and even on Sesame Street, the moves seem extremely acrobatic and made up of a barrage of constant attacks. As intrigued as we were by what we saw on the big screen, we decided to get a true understanding from a real life Capoeirista.

Muscle Cramps....breaking my stride!

Have you ever been in the middle of an exercise and found yourself in sudden excruciating pain from a muscle cramp? Join the club. Muscle cramps are common to everyone, but can be especially painful during a workout. They can affect any age group but tend to be more common as you get older. It can also happen while you sit, walk or even just sleep.

Compound vs. Isolation exercises....which is right for you?

When designing your weight training program, it's important to consider what you want from your routine. Most weight training exercises can be classified as either compound or isolation exercises and both can play an important role in your progress and your ultimate goals for muscle gain.

Dumbbells aren't so Dumb!

For most of us, the last couple months were quite a trip with many Gyms seeing a significant increase in their membership as the New Year rolled around. Truth is, the gyms were as crowded as the Stadium on Machel Monday with gym goers coming from all walks of life, from the New Year Resolutioners and the Carnival Crowd to the Die Hard Gym Freaks and last but not least, we even saw an influx of those commonly referred to as "The Tusty Men", a most annoying bunch.