To BElt Or Not To BElt

We were asked recently about our last post on The Squat and the use of the weight lifting belt, in which we stated that the belt was only necessary for max attempts. The use of the weight lifting belt is a very contentious topic with various schools of thought on its purpose and proper use.

The most common reasons I've heard for using a belt among the folks at the local gyms is to protect the back however I have also heard it will help flatten the stomach and that it should be worn for all weight training exercises. There is also a great level of confusion as relates to the type of belt that should be used. In this post we will attempt to explain briefly the intended purpose of the belt so our readers can make an informed decision about the way in which they implement the lifting belt in their training program.

If you've been hitting the gym for a while and performing heavy lifts you may have observed that in order to generate the most force possible it is absolutely necessary to tighten the entire core thereby increasing intra-abdominal pressure which stabilises the spine. Powerlifters use a technique known as the Valsalva Maneuver during their lifts to in crease intra-abdominal pressure by basically holding their breath during the concentric (positive) phase of the lift.

The function of the weight belt is to aid in increasing intra-abdominal pressure to further stabilise the spine by providing a wall against which the abdominal muscles can push.

Now that we understand the function of the lifting belt, we can determine when it may be necessary to wear it. We recommend a belt be used for all max attempts in order to protect the spine and aid performance however, as a general rule it can be used for any load above bodyweight. Overuse of the lifting belt may result in weaker core muscles and inhibit motor learning in the abdominal muscles.

As for the type of belt, there are many options on the market all of which perform the same function. At we prefer the Nylon belt with the Velcro fastener due to its width and adjustability.