Don’t let the Grinch steal your gainz!

Don’t let the Grinch steal your gainz and leave you feeling flat

For you’ll be really sorry if you let the Grinch do that

'Tis the time to be merry, rejoice and have some fun

But don’t forget your goals when all the celebrating’s done

He once tried to steal Christmas but that he couldn't do

So like the Whos from Whoville we gotta stop him too

He’ll try to break your stack, all your supps he’ll take away

Your creatine, your bio-gro and most of all your Whey

And when there’s no more supps to take he’ll try to close the gyms

No supps, no gym and lots of cake, next are the muscles on your limbs

So here’s what we should do, right after this week’s hump

Borrow the keys to the gym and have a Christmas morning PUMP

Then we go home to have that cheat meal that we know we all deserve

While feeling oh so happy about the muscle we preserve

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too

From the team at to your family and you